Security testing opportunities

Want to help us enhance the strength and security of our platform?

Test our products and services for security vulnerabilities. In the process, you'll earn a monetary reward for any verifiable issues that you find, courtesy of our bug bounty programme.


  • Hone your security testing skills.
  • Increase your HackerOne reputation to build up credibility and profile visibility.
  • Earn a monetary reward for any verifiable issues that you find, with a bounty worth up to 1,000 USD for high-risk security vulnerabilities.

Getting started

  • Read and understand our HackerOne bug bounty programme policy.
  • Analyse and test the domains and subdomains listed in the scope.
  • Submit a report on HackerOne of any potential security issue you found, along with any suggestions you have to resolve the issue.
  • If you find any vulnerabilities in our open-source code, feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub.