No open positions.
Ref. | Potential Payout | Contract Details | Purchase | Indicative | |
Total |
Winning the contract
Asian options settle by comparing the last tick with the average spot over the period.
If you select "Asian Rise", you will win the payout if the last tick is higher than the average of the ticks.
If you select "Asian Fall", you will win the payout if the last tick is lower than the average of the ticks.
If the last tick is equal to the average of the ticks, you don't win the payout.
Winning the contract
If you select "Matches", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is the same as your prediction.
If you select "Differs", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is not the same as your prediction.
Winning the contract
If you select "Ends Between", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the Low barrier AND strictly lower than the High barrier.
If you select "Ends Outside", you win the payout if the exit spot is EITHER strictly higher than the High barrier, OR strictly lower than the Low barrier.
If the exit spot is equal to either the Low barrier or the High barrier, you don't win the payout.
Winning the contract
If you select "Even", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an even number (i.e., 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0).
If you select "Odd", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is an odd number (i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9).
Winning the contract
If you select "Higher", you win the payout if the exit spot is higher than the barrier.
If you select "Lower", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the barrier.
If the exit spot is equal to the barrier, you only win the payout for "Higher" contracts
Winning the contract
If you select "Over", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is greater than your prediction.
If you select "Under", you will win the payout if the last digit of the last tick is less than your prediction.
Winning the contract
If you select "Higher", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot.
If you select "Lower", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot.
If you select "Allow equals", you win the payout if exit spot is higher than or equal to entry spot for "Higher". Similarly, you win the payout if exit spot is lower than or equal to entry spot for "Lower".
Winning the contract
You win the payout if the market price ends in the digit you have selected.
Winning the contract
You win the payout if the market price does not end in the digit you have selected.
Winning the contract
If you select "rises", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot.
If you select "falls", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot.
Winning the contract
If you select "Stays Between", you win the payout if the market stays between (does not touch) either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period.
If you select "Goes Outside", you win the payout if the market touches either the High barrier or the Low barrier at any time during the contract period.
Winning the contract
If you select "Rises", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than the entry spot.
If you select "Falls", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than the entry spot.
Winning the contract
If you select "Touches", you win the payout if the market touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.
If you select "Does Not Touch", you win the payout if the market never touches the barrier at any time during the contract period.
Winning the contract
If you select "rises", you win the payout if the market price is higher than the entry spot.
If you select "falls", you win the payout if the market price is lower than the entry spot.
By purchasing the "Close-Low" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the close and low over the duration of the contract.
By purchasing the "High-Close" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the high and close over the duration of the contract.
By purchasing the "High-Low" contract, you'll win the multiplier times the difference between the high and low over the duration of the contract.
Winning the contract
If you select "Reset-Call", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly higher than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time.
If you select "Reset-Put", you win the payout if the exit spot is strictly lower than either the entry spot or the spot at reset time.
If the exit spot is equal to the barrier or the
Winning the contract
If you select "High Tick", you win the payout if the selected tick is the highest among the next five ticks.
If you select "Low Tick", you win the payout if the selected tick is the lowest among the next five ticks.
Winning the contract
If you select "Only Ups", you win the payout if consecutive ticks rise successively after the entry spot.
No payout if any tick falls or is equal to any of the previous ticks.
If you select "Only Downs", you win the payout if consecutive ticks fall successively after the entry spot.
No payout if any tick rises or is equal to any of the previous ticks.
Entry Spot
The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers.
The Average
The average is the average of the ticks, including the entry spot and the last tick.
Entry Spot
The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers.
Exit spot
The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time.
The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration).
The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers.
Entry Spot
The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers.
Exit spot
The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time.
The remaining time is the time remaining until the contract expires.
The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers.
Entry Spot
The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers.
Entry spot
The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers and the entry spot is the next tick thereafter.
If you select a start time in the future, the start time is that which is selected and the entry spot is the price in effect at that time.
Exit spot
The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time.
If you select a start time of "Now", the end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration).
If you select a specific end time, the end time is the selected time.
Contract period
The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time.
The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers.
The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration).
Contract period
The contract period is the period between the next tick after the start time and the end time.
The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers.
The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time (if less than one day in duration), or at the end of the trading day (if one day or more in duration).
High, Low and Close
The high is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.
The low is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.
The close is the latest tick at or before the end time. If you selected a specific end time, the end time is the selected time.
Contract period
The contract period is the period between the first tick (after start time) and the end time.
The start time begins when the contract is processed by our servers.
The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time.
High, Low and Close
The high is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.
The low is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.
The close is the latest tick at or before the end time. If you selected a specific end time, the end time is the selected time.
Contract period
The contract period is the period between the first tick (after start time) and the end time.
The start time begins when the contract is processed by our servers.
The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time.
High, Low and Close
The high is the highest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.
The low is the lowest point ever reached by the market during the contract period.
The close is the latest tick at or before the end time. If you selected a specific end time, the end time is the selected time.
Contract period
The contract period is the period between the first tick (after start time) and the end time.
The start time begins when the contract is processed by our servers.
The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time.
Reset Time
At reset time, if the spot is in the opposite direction of your prediction, the barrier is reset to that spot.
The exit spot is the latest tick at or before the end time.
The end time is the selected number of minutes/hours after the start time.
The start time is when the contract is processed by our servers.
The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers.
Entry Spot
The entry spot is the first tick after the contract is processed by our servers.
Entry spot
The start time is when the contract has been processed by our servers.
The entry spot is the next tick after the start time.
Exit Spot
The exit spot is the last tick when the contract ends. Contract ends when all ticks rise or fall successively, or when a single tick breaks the predicted pattern.
Contract duration
Please refer to the asset index for each asset's minimum and maximum contract durations based on trade type.
Contract duration
Please refer to the asset index for each asset's minimum and maximum contract durations based on trade type.
Contract duration
Please refer to the asset index for each asset's minimum and maximum contract durations based on trade type.
Contract duration
Please refer to the asset index for each asset's minimum and maximum contract durations based on trade type.
Note: Asian contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes.
Note: Digit contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes.
Note: Ends Between/Ends Outside contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times.
Note: Even/Odd contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes.
Note: Higher/Lower contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times.
Note: Over/Under contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if the contract doesn't end within 5 minutes.
Note: Rise/Fall contracts will be refunded if:
• There are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times
• The contract doesn't end within 5 minutes (for tick duration contracts)
Note: Stays Between/Goes Outside Contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times.
Note: Touch/No Touch contracts will be refunded at the purchase price if there are less than 2 ticks between the start and end times.
Note: High Tick/Low Tick contracts have a strict duration of five ticks.